Удружење војвођанских учитеља, Udruženje vojvođanskih učitelja, УВУ, UVU
Удружење Војвођанских Учитеља

About the Teachers' Association of Vojvodina –UVU

The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina (UVU) is a NGO, non-party, self-financing professional association of the teachers from 12 local teachers' associations from north part of Serbia (Vojvodina). It cooperates with all non-government and state organizations and institutions with reference to teachers’ professional work.

About establishing UVU

The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina was established on 8th December 2001 on the basis of the first teachers’ association established in 1888. It stopped working at the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century under pressure.
The Teachers' Association started working again because of the need for getting information, getting together, professional development, the exchange of experience, socializing and professional bonding. The initiator of the establishment was a teacher Vera Stojsic-Gasparovski (the first Chairwoman of The Teachers' Association of Novi Sad).

The head office of the Teachers' Association of Vojvodina

The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina is situated in the building of pre-war Teachers’ Boarding School at 1 Vojvode Putnika Street, Novi Sad.
We hope that we will manage to regulate legally the restitution of teachers’ property (the building) and create the optimal facility conditions for the work of UVU for teachers’ professional development.

Work results of the Teachers' Association of Vojvodina

The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina has taken the leading position among the teachers’ associations of Serbia in the last eight years. We have organized: over 200 one-day professional seminars, 30 seminars that lasted more than one day, 7 five-day courses, literary evenings, public lectures, seminars for parents, professional literature promotions, textbooks and teaching materials, exhibitions, teachers’ library, the DUNS Bulletin, 2 professional excursions, formal meetings “Three Hundred Years of Serbian Primary Schools in Novi Sad” and “Three Hundred Years of Serbian Primary Schools in Becej” (2003), for International Teachers’ Conferences (2002, 2004, 2006, 2008), five International Festival of Puppet Making in Primary Schools – FLUOS (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009), the work of The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina…
The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina is most important for active work local teachers’ associations in Vojvodina. The work of UVU has become the role model for all teachers in Serbia and wider. It is always covered by the media for the benefit of our teachers, children and schools.

UVU financing

The Teachers' Association of Vojvodina is self-financed by membership fees and donations.

The programme of the Teachers' Association of Vojvodina

1. Professional meetings

One-day professional seminars and the seminars that lasted more than one day, courses, public lectures, exhibitions…

2. Traditional professional meetings

The Assembly of Teachers from Serbia, Winter Teachers’ Meetings, Festival of Puppet Making in Primary Schools – FLUOS, the Annual Assembly of UVU, the Teachers' Association of Vojvodina meetings.

3. Jubilees, meetings, promotions

5th October –World Teachers’ Day
8th November - Teachers’ Day of Serbia
24th November – J. J. Zmaj’s birth date
27th January – Saint Sava
14th March – Miroslav Antic’s birth date
8th December - Teachers' Association of Vojvodina’s Day

Meetings with distinguished pedagogues and experts, professional literature and teaching materials promotions, teachers’ exhibitions.

4. Organizational matters

The promotion of UVU, the restitution of teachers’ property, the activities regarding teachers’ library, the UVU Bulletin and free-service multimedia centre.

5. Cooperation with foreign countries

Creating contacts with the colleagues from foreign countries and their associations. Cooperation with the international association “Interactive schools”. The organization of international teachers’ conferences.

6. Cooperation with parents

The organization of public lectures and discussions for parents.

7. Work with children

The coordination of extra-curricular activities of primary school students, among schools and in club Children’s Association.

8. Cooperation with other teachers’ associations

The cooperation with Teachers’ Association of Serbia has been established as well as with teachers’ societies from Vojvodina and Serbia.

9. Socializing

Friendly and literary evenings, exhibitions, going to the cinema and theatre, trips, excursions, organized holidays…

10. UVU clubs

You can join any club of the Teachers' Association of Vojvodina:
Mountain Climbing Club
Active Learning Practices for Schools
Children’s Association

11. Other fields of UVU’s work

The history of schooling (coordinator Vera Stojsic-Gasparovski)